This time publicising No Shoes November!!
Please share it with EVERYONE you know. Wish I knew early on to tell everyone to buy it ...
But luckily they have it online so read it here ...
I wore my No Shoes November hoody all day today as it was freezing. My feet are now in a right state, skin is awful, they are hurting all the time and I now have cuts .. :(
But it isn't about me and my pain, it is about the 1.4 BILLION living in poverty across the world that suffer pain EVERY DAY! We, yes that means you too, need to do something to stop this. Please share with EVERYONE YOU KNOW! Or take your shoes off for a day too and share with everyone like Sarah did today ...
Sarah Roberts, KOP Cardiff President, took her shoes off today in a day of solidarity. I am SO PROUD!! Such a cold day too. She too is raising for KOP. I'd love for you to support Sarah too.
She's raising on behalf of KOP Cardiff and the team page is
She is a KOP legend, she too believes that Poverty is wrong, that's why she took her shoes off today! Please help Sarah, myself and the rest of the INCREDIBLE No Shoes November crew by supporting us, sharing our posts, pages, articles etc. Remember and check out #noshoesnovember on twitter as there's an awful lot of posts!!
I really want to reach £1000 in the next 8 days. Can you help me do that .. If everyone that read this donated £1. That would be AMAZING!! £1 feeds a starving child 3 nutritious meals. Not much to ask!
Thank you for the continued support, kind words and donations through this cold weather.
Day 21 over, now I must wash my feet ..
KOP love.
Hi there I'm a male age 32 in Essex, I live a barefoot lifestyle all year round . I was just wondering if you have continued being barefoot or completely back to shoes?