Sunday, 17 November 2013

Day 17

So today started with walking to church, where all the congregation still can't believe I'm going barefoot! 

This afternoon I went for a lovely barefoot walk across the cliff tops of the beautiful Gower and the sandy beaches. Before I could get there I had to walk through mud, avoid dog mess, get thorns stuck in my feet and tip toe around rocks! All worth it for a lush day out and raising awareness of extreme poverty. :)

Feet needed a good soaking after!

Please tell everyone about No Shoes November. There is a rumour we'll be on the ITV News this week! If you know any famous people, please share our pages with them, we'd love more publicity!

Why don't you take your shoes off for a day in solidarity and post it on Facebook ( or Twitter ( Or just share whatever I post on there too!

KOP means the world to me! Projects like Kochogo Feeding Centre are the ones that literally keep the children alive that are living in extreme poverty. Your money can help them to have nutritious meals and grow so that they can go to school healthy and gain an education to have a chance in life.

Please donate anything you can to help KOP support the orphaned and vulnerable children in Western Kenya living in poverty. £25 can feed a child 3 nutritional meals for a month!

Only 13 days left for my cold feet, please help myself and the No Shoes November team by sharing, posting, retweeting, going barefoot, praying and donating.

Thank you :) 

1 comment:

  1. A blog must be connected to the person in need. It is really important to understand the actual feel of such necessity and the essence of objective behind it. Author must give proper time to understand every topic before writing it.รองเท้า หุ้ม ส้น เพื่อ สุขภาพ
