Tuesday, 19 November 2013

Day 19 :)

The 7.15am walk down to the train station literally froze my feet and of course my train was delayed making the wait even more painful! Luckily for once it wasn't raining but it sure was cold.

On the train I had some lovely ladies around asking what I was doing but also showing their concerns. At the same time I was getting messages saying that it was SNOWING! Please pray that it doesn't actually snow heavy enough for it to stick until December 1st. If it does my feet will surely fall off and I will get ill (which isn't a good idea). Currently re-thinking how to do No Shoes November if it actually snows, as I'm obviously still thinking about my health. 

One of the lovely ladies on the train found my justgiving page and told her friend who donated to me with a lovely message saying "Well done and put plenty of cream on those feet"! The AMAZING thing is that I didn't even tell her how to donate. Such a kind gesture. MADE MY DAY! If you're reading, THANK YOU!!! 

So, the rest of the day was just as epic! Had a wonderful day at the KOP office with the incredible hard working Natalia and Marti, lots to do for the 2014 Student Programme...

I finally met the lovely barefooter Sophie de Winter, truly inspirational, where I picked up my hoodie and tshirt. Don't they look amazing ...!? Will be wearing these with pride for the next 11 days :D


I also managed to pick up a copy of the Gair rhydd, Cardiff Uni Newspaper, in which we have a lovely article. My gorgeous photo with my favourite smiler from the feeding centre is there too :) 

I then managed some free time with my amazing friends, but first had to roam the glass ridden streets of cathays. What a tiring but fun barefoot KOP day.

I would love it if you would share this blog and the No Shoes November pages with friends to raise awareness! I would love it even more if you could donate ahttp://www.justgiving.com/lucynoshoesnovember. Even just £1, as £1 is enough to feed a child 3 nutritious meals a day. Which is HUGE! 

Just a heads up .. Keep an eye on the ITV Wales News report tomorrow eve, rumour has it, there will be some barefoot people talking about their amazing charities. (Sadly I won't be there but the others will be!)

So much love for KOP right now!!

Remember to post, share, like, tweet, pray and donate!! 

Thank you :) 

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